Control Room Design

For Modern Command Center Operations

Our Control Room Design Pros Know Everything Operation Needs for A Modern Command Center

Our comprehensive design methodology saves clients money by anticipating, locating and identifying complex challenges at the conceptual stage. This reduces potential oversights, re-works, adds and changes in the design and construction phase to keep your project on time and within budget.

Why We Are Experts

  • Best practices for control room design are followed
  • Control room design solutions are industry-specific
  • Digital transformation through control room design 
  • Decades of experience designing control rooms

Free Control Room Design Consultation

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Console Options for Control Rooms

Operator consoles are a key element in all control rooms. They support your layout, improve the lighting, and reduce ambient noise. Our team of design professionals know that the right control console will reduce operator turnover and maximize your efficiency.

Super-Ergonomic Chairs

An ergonomic chair is another key element in any control room or office environment. Evosite has super ergonomic office chairs to compliment control room solutions that are purpose-built to support the layout in your office command center. 

Additional Control Room Services

Our comprehensive control room design services can save you time and money by identifying complex challenges at the conceptual stage. Evosite reduces potential oversights or changes to keep your project on time and within budget.


We anticipate, locate and identify complex challenges to keep your project on time and within budget.


We deliver professional assembly and installation based on the project design.
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Our Total Lifecycle Services (TLC) maintains situational awareness, process reliability, health, and safety.


Evosite offers inspections, complete assessments, and compliance guidance.
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Industries Served

Why Evosite for Your Control Room Design?

With over 20 years of experience to draw on, Evosite provides comprehensive control room solutions (planning to production) for the digital era. They are purpose-built solutions that require experience and know-how to complete the project on time and without costly delays. At Evosite, pre-assembly and installation are conducted by in-house personnel. Our high-performance control consoles and accessories deliver value, and we back it up with continued support after your purchase.

You may be looking to build a new control room, but are unsure where to start… You can count on our control console professionals to create the best layout based on the most important human factors for a 24/7 environment. We even know how to combine a series of smaller control rooms into a single collaborative room.

We specialize in delivering custom control console solutions for your modern control room of tomorrow!

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